This time of year the surface action slows and most of us turn to nymphs and streamers.
Here are three streamer patterns that I’ve tied and fished successfully over the past year. All will work in both cold and warm water.
The Guinness Trout – I’m a big fan of Ralph Long of Ralph’s Fly Box. I started tying this pattern in a size 10 because I liked the name, but soon found it would bring both brookies and bass to hand.
The Thinmint Woolly Bugger – From In The Riffle, this has been a great pattern for trout. Try it in sizes 4 – 10.
The Triple Threat Woolly Bugger – This Rob Weiker pattern is probably my favorite of the three because it’s attractive to summer smallmouth as well as large hungry rainbows.
Named Triple Threat because the 3 body materials (schlappen, chenille and dubbing loop) are all wrapped simultaneously, it can be a challenge that will give your rotary vise a workout. I started tying this in a size 4, but also like sizes 8 and 10.
Give these 3 patterns a try as you’re filling in the streamer box. Enjoy!

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