With the local weather forecast looking less than certain, I decided to make an early morning run to a local pond for some kayak fishing. I was on the water by 6 am, and had the place to myself for 2 hours.
While many ponds in the area have already become choked with lilies, this one is mostly clear, with algae and grass forming only in the corners and small pockets.
Frequently I would hear the sound of large bass cruising the shoreline and making violent strikes against the panfish. It felt like a scene from the Discovery Channel.
I didn’t catch anything until I started using smaller poppers. Then I picked up a few bass that looked like this.
I also brought in a number of sunfish. This wasn’t the largest, but the colors were amazing.
As the showers started, I paddled to shore and loaded up my gear. Within a half hour, I was unpacked and back at home, deciding on what to have for breakfast.
When the weather or your schedule doesn’t allow time for a long trip, take advantage of local water. Some of these short jaunts have been the best this year. Enjoy!
walt says
Neat boat, pond, and pics, and fishes, too!