With the fishable days of 2014 coming to an end, I decided to make a quick morning trip to the Farmington River on this last day of November.
The temperature was forecast to reach the 40’s, with mildly overcast skies, perfect for a late fall day on the water
The snow on the ground from the pre-Thanksgiving storm made a solid blanket, but wasn’t enough to hamper hiking. No other cars were in the parking lot, a good omen if I hoped to have the water to myself. I suited up, adding waterproof gloves, wool cap and toe warmers to the list of requisite equipment.
Walking in solitude down the canopied trail reminded me that the end of this year’s season is near. The only occasional sound was heavy melting snow crashing through the hemlocks and pines, often hitting the ground with a thud, or the water like the splash of a large fish.
When I arrived at the intended spot there were two men downstream casting dries. They continued for a few minutes, then moved to the bank for a cigar break. Afterwards they shuffled around the bend and out of sight. Other than their presence, the water was mine.
I started out with streamers, followed by a brace of nymphs. None of these caused the line to tighten. Then I saw a few rises across the stream, subtle and intermittent. I switched to a small BWO spinner, and within a few casts had this healthy brown in the net.
I probably should’ve stayed with the BWO, but I wanted to give some other rookie flies a try. Unfortunately they all struck out. Well, there’s always next season.
Hope you’re getting out for a few last casts in 2014. Enjoy!

Getting on the river at this time of year can be a special treat, especially if you can get a fish to rise to a BWO. Glad you had a nice outing, Leigh.
Thanks Walt. Hope you’re doing the same. Happy Holidays to you and the family!
looking for the book on mid hudson trout streams that was posted recently.
Hi Bruce,
Contact the chapter at https://midhudsontu.com/. They should be able to help you out.