For most of us in New England, spring has been slow in coming this year. April continued to deliver snow and cold, and the heavy rains of the past two days have left us with with flooding, washed out roads and streams swollen with water that could be easily mistaken for chocolate milk.
But May is already starting to show promise. This morning started off with rain and fog, but by the afternoon it was blue skies and temps in the 70’s. After work I fired up the grill for some steaks, and found that there was enough time after dinner to spend some time at the local pond.
It was great to see these guys again. Their colors seemed to have deepened over the winter, and they were eager to take anything from a popper to a wooly bugger.
Best of all, as the sun set the temps did not drop dramatically, making it a comfortable walk back to the car.
Hope you’re getting out for some early spring action. Enjoy!

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