This is a shot of the back of my leg, behind the knee. I’m not posting it because I’m hoping to get modeling work, I’m putting it out there to remind all of us that ticks carrying Lyme’s disease are active and should be a consideration whenever you’re outside.
I noticed the bullseye pattern late last night when I went to scratch my leg. I knew immediately what it was. This morning I went to a local urgent care facility, where I was told by three people that I had a textbook case of Lyme’s disease. They didn’t even bother to test me for it. They just put me on antibiotics for the next 30 days and told me to stay out of the sun.
I’m not sure if I was bitten on fishing trip or while out mowing the lawn. I do know that I frequently go outside without using bug spray. Take my advice and apply suitable bug repellent when you’re going outdoors.
walt says
Glad you caught this in time, and thanks for the warning. More and more people seem to be getting tick bites in the north country.
Don says
A tick can also cause Rocky Mount Spotted Fever which can be fatal.