Took my youngest daughter out for a Sunday afternoon fishing trip at a local lake in our canoe. It was a simple affair: worms, bobbers, and a bream rod. Unfortunately the wind picked up and we spend more time trying to position ourselves to cast than we did catching fish.
Put the canoe back on top of the car and took the rod and worms to an adjacent pond. Within seconds she had a small bream on the line. She was excited and wanted to hold the fish, which offered an opportunity to practice catch and release. I unhooked the bream and she gently lowered it into the water and watched it quickly swim away.
We moved to the dock at the boat ramp and caught two more. Then she lost interest and began to play with the lily pads. Coincidentally it began to rain and we headed back to the car.
While she may not always want to go on trips like this, she did today. The picture below says it all. Enjoy!

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