While most of us are breathing a sigh of relief around BP capping the leaky well in the gulf, I ran across an article on www.tarheelflyfishing.com that is somewhat disconcerting. Apparently a local bank branch parking lot in Boone, NC was resurfaced, and the sealant and other chemicals were allowed to run off into the storm drains which fed the Wautauga River. A fish kill resulted.
Check out the blog for a 10-minute video report.

I had viewed that video over on Tyler’s website as well…it’s just amazing what kind of disregard that resurfacing company had. I just don’t understand, when streets get resurfaced in my area, tar-like sludge doesn’t runoff and accumulate in gutters and storm drains. Looks like some gross negligence, and it’s really scary how much some seemingly insignificant cutting corners can impact the greater whole. OK, I’m getting off my high horse now, but yes, that video made me upset as well.